Welcome to my blog!
I’m just another mama trying to live her dream as a homemaker. On this blog for mothers you’ll find tips/tricks for raising kids, fun ideas for activities, yummy recipes good for the whole family, personal thoughts, book recommendations, and more!
Disclaimer, this is my first real blog! I don’t really know what I’m doing… But I’m setting off on this adventure with lots of excitement and energy! I already claim “homemaker” as one of my many titles in life, and my current dream is to quit my full-time job so that I can focus on cultivating a beautiful home to raise my babies. Join me on my journey

I’m the first to say that I don’t know everything about motherhood! I’m a relatively new mom with only one child, but I have big dreams to grow my family. More importantly, I believe that everyone can share advice from where they are in life! A mother who is currently raising teenagers has obviously gone through the toddler years, but those years are pretty far in the past and her experiences are not as fresh as someone who is still in the thick of it. I hope the advice and tips I share here on my blog for mothers will be helpful for those in a similar season of life, or for those who are coming up right behind me with younger kids. Best of luck to us all!
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